Netflix has this “anime” called Dragon’s Dogma based on a video game. The dialogue is crap. The packs is crap. This mixture of 3D and 2D graphics is crap. But I’m staying because I’m hoping the fight scenes are worth the wait. But yeah, I’d never recommend this show to anyone.
So the titular dragon just showed up. These people have had 100 years to prep and they have:
- No underground bunkers
- No early warning systems
- No evacuation protocols
- No large caliber ranged weapons
- A bunch of dudes in light plate armor to stop the big lizard

The ingle consistent thing about humanity through the ages has been our paranoid fear of threats that may or may not exist, and a steady progression of technology in response to adversity. This show makes Z E R O sense. My disbelief cannot be suspended 😒
The dragon just ate one of the protagonists just when they’d regrouped and we thought they were safe. 😌I am appeased. More gore please.
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