Hey y’all we need to talk about indigenous liberation AGAIN. My god y’all... I’m so fucking sick of this honestly. Every day I have to tell y’all AGAIN that indigenous people still exist. Tonight I was really disappointed... (1/?)
Amid the chaotic infighting moment... There were a few of our indigenous comrades (me being one of them) who stepped and said yeah, we want indigenous liberation TOO. And you know what? Y’all called me white again. Y’all disregarded every single indigenous voice tonight.
I say this because: I need people to realize how sidelined and forgotten the indigenous community is. We struggle to survive every single day. For once I want us to be heard. I want you all to listen. We are your comrades. Never in my time in Portland, other than the day of (2/?)
... rage have a felt anyone has given a space for indigenous liberation. Remember that we are here. I’m sick of screaming that I exist. I’m sick of seeing people shut us down every single night.
I am fighting for you all. I would hope in return that you’re fighting for us too. Indigenous liberation is an integral part of the revolution. But that very liberation cannot happen if nobody even acknowledges our existence.
Our existence goes beyond our regalia and our ceremonies. We are indigenous because we ARE INDIGENOUS. Y’all are way to comfy with “native stereotypes”. I do not want to have to wear my regalia for you to feel my identity is valid.
So to end this, when an Indigenous voice tries to speak up, listen to them. We have been silenced for hundreds of years. Do not tell me I’m white. You sound like fucking colonizers. Do not silence us again.
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