My take from the whole US malarkey.

While you’ve actually got the good guys in, solve the problems & solve them good.

Not solving them let’s the bad guys in.

Political routes are available to us to solve previously intractable issues, like, for example the abomination that is child poverty.

The fact that the current systems block progress doesn’t make the solutions wrong. To the contrary, if we can solve these issues, we must. 2/4
We have good people in Wales who share an ambition to solve these big issues, but too often we let old dogma & outdated and discredited ideologies inhibit progress.

We also allow bad people to tell us we can’t.

Well, we can & we will. #indywales  3/4
And you know, here’s another thing, we need to find ways to not be taken in by bland, do-nothingers, because they, like the bad guys and the buffoons, solve diddly squat.
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