It's morning in the UK, here's where we're at. Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada are all still going - while Arizona has been called, that race is tightening. But other races are tightening in favour of Biden.
ARIZONA - AP and Fox called this last night. Biden is currently leading. However, votes are still coming in from a variety of different districts, which all skew in different ways. It's not clear exactly how many votes are left, the likely skew - or when the count will finish.
NEVADA - Biden is leading, and we're not getting partial counts. An update is expected at 5pm GMT, which very will likely result in a call.
PENNSYLVANIA - This is the most likely state to put Biden over the top. The count is consistently moving towards Biden, and if trends continue, Trump will lose by around 100,000 votes. Counting is on-going, and we don't have an expected time.
GEORGIA - Still on a knife edge. Trump retains a very thin lead, but there are enough votes left, and Biden is winning them at a good enough rate to just overturn it. The count continues, but we won't have those votes reported until this afternoon. Recount is likely, regardless.
GEORGIA PART 2 - The Senate isn't gone for Democrats, it's just on life support. Republican David Perdue is 0.07% over the 50% mark. If that gets pulled back, the race goes to a run-off in January. Along with the other Georgia primary run-off - that could mean 50 senators in Jan.
Oh, and Biden leads by 3.6 million votes nationally.
And here are the details from @ChaplainChloe
AZ update: The latest batch of votes from Maricopa county are good for Trump, coming in at 59/41, which is also dead on what he needs from the rest of the state. The challenge for him is that the next votes are likely to trend a bit more blue than that. It's looking close.
The next Arizona update is going to be overnight tonight. Look for Pennsylvania to cross the line first.
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