I can debate existentialism all day long, but here’s the thing, I make decisions based on commonly accepted versions of reality, truth and fact.
I don’t do things based on what I think others would want/not want me to do.

‘I thought that’s what you wanted’- no...
Examples of commonly accepted facts and realities:
1. Schools have finite (shrinking) budgets.
2. Schools have never closed.
3. Schools are expected to ensure that children ‘catch up’ on ‘lost learning’.
4. Schools MUST achieve 3, and this will be tested by SATs this year.
5. Schools, being fully open, have had cases of pupils and staff having to stay at home for up to 2 weeks, on a number of occasions, because the government guidance says so.

6. Regardless of 5, 3 is still an expectation.

7. Schools, whilst open, and on contested scientific
guidance that has been vague and presented in a disingenuous and contradictory way, have had to allow Ofsted to visit. There is a proven case where this meant a whole school closed due to Covid.

8. Despite 7, schools will still be judged on data gathered from 4.
9. No extra funding to support school staffing issues related to government guidance on isolation, self isolation, OR Covid illness, has been offered.

No furlough for the CEV group. Insurance companies do not pay out for this. So schools must foot the bill. See 1.
10. Schools must do everything. Fund everything, care for everyone, stop the virus spread, keep children and staff safe, feed the vulnerable, protect at risk youngsters, fix a ‘lost generation of learning’, on already significantly reduced budgets- whilst filling in
government data collection, begging for ICT equipment that may or may not arrive, if they have it, at the last minute, if you close through Covid; doing routine safeguarding, behaviour management, statutory governing body meetings and all they entail, reading and implementing
guidance that is delivered at the actual 11th hour, train and induct new staff, assess and provide for SEND (despite the implications of 1-9 above, fire drills, teach the broad and balanced NC, maintain staff work life balance, a sense of integrity, and staff mental health.
I could be completely wrong, and my world view, and what I understand as truth and fact could be way off, it has been known snd I am only human and fallible, but this as a bare minimum is the daily struggle. In a small school more so, I am lucky I have a superb team.
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