Dear Portlanders:


Your stinking terrorist humanoids know that @realDonaldTrump won the election AND WILL PROVE IT.

So enjoy what you so richly deserve.
After Trump overcomes the truly amateur-hour fraud used to to delay his reelection, BLUE CITIES burn.

The humanoids won't dare try that crap in a red city.

Trump shouldn't lift a finger to help you.

After all, you said HE caused the violence last time.
So for your own safety, Trump will now let your city be sacked like Rome was by the Visigoths.

After all, this is a PEACEFUL sacking of Portland.

PEACEFUL violence.

If the feds go there, that would only ESCALATE things by preventing peaceful violence.
Good luck getting the funds to rebuild.

I'm sure I speak for all Trump supporters when I say that I don't want my filthy racist taxpayer dollars to go to rebuilding your holy manure pile.

I wish you well.

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