Let's go on a journey together. To uncover a mystery, to answer a question as old as time

I present...

The Quest for Kanye's Best County
We begin our quest in Utah, one of three states bordering Wyoming, which is Kanye's home state. We'll go through every state where Kanye was on the ballot during our journey, but it's in the west where West performed best, as it were. (And we'll use DDHQ for results)
If we're going to find Kanye's best county anywhere, it's here in the plains of the western United States. In fact, our next destination is Idaho, where Kanye performed proportionally the best I believe as of the current counting
Along the way, we'll uncover the answer as to what Kanye's best county was in each individual state where he made the ballot. One thing to consider here though is that Kanye had fairly uniform, meager results throughout the country (caveat that there's still plenty left to count)
Anyway, on to Utah. In Utah, where he has 0.41% overall, Kanye performed best in San Juan County, bordering Colorado. Also I'd like to scold Utah for having a county called Utah
0.6% isn't really that much though, and surely he performed better than that elsewhere. Our quest continues
Idaho is Kanye's /best/ state with 0.42% (so far anyway, and the counting may have changed this status - we'll see as we move on) so I feel as though we have a high likelihood of coming across the fabled Kanye's best county right now. Kanye pulled 0.72% in Lincoln County, Idaho
That's a new record, but even though Kanye didn't take much more than 0.4% in any state (that I've come across yet at least) I still feel like we could see better than that. So onward, to another state that borders Wyoming: Colorado.

(Also, I'd like to scold Idaho for
Moving on, when I asked people which state they thought Kanye would do the best a lot of them told me Colorado, presumably because it kind of just felt like a Kanye state to them. But no, he only has 0.23% in the state overall. His best county was Alamosa
Oklahoma was one of the first states where Kanye made the ballot I think. He has .36% of the vote overall and his best county was Adair. Not really much else to say here
Meanwhile in Arkansas, several counties already jump out as new contenders for "Kanye's best". This, despite taking less than in Oklahoma in the state overall, with 0.34%. But, only one can be Kanye's best county in Arkansas, and that distinction belongs to Hempstead
It may also be Kanye's best county overall (though I have insider info that seems to suggest it's not) but we can never know unless we press forward. Let's go to Louisiana. Poor performance from Kanye here overall, Orleans County (home to New Orleans) gave him his best result
In Mississippi, Kanye took 0.30% of the vote. Note that in some of these states that's enough for fourth place, which is about the best phrase you can use to market a result like that. His best county was Marshall, but not as much vote is reporting as other counties featured
Just scrolling through Iowa results where he got 0.2% thinking I'm gonna have to check several results rounded up to 0.3% when suddenly
Some of these smaller counties can surprise you I guess, proportionally speaking. Not sure if that's some kind of error considering it's completely unmatched in the state, maybe it's a college town or there's some kind of transcendental meditation thing going on there
Either way, we have a new record for the KBC. But we're not done yet, we still have a few more states to look at
Minnesota gave Kanye 0.26% overall but what's this? Otter Tail County also has him above 1%. It's not enough to claim the title of Kanye's Best County from that transcendental meditation community in Iowa but it's certainly robust compared to most of what we've seen so far
Likewise in Houston County, TN (typed that as Houston Kanye at first) he's also barely above 1%, amid sitting at 0.34% in the state. Keep in mind many of these counties are rural, so it's not a lot of votes we're talking about. Kanye's Best Raw Vote Total County is another thing
Two more and we are finally done, the odyssey is over, we can finally crown Kanye's Best County. It's not in Kentucky. He scored 0.55% in his best county there (with 0.30% at large)
Lastly, Vermont. Kanye took close to 0.4% statewide in Vermont but his best county, Windham, does not come close to Kanye's Best County in America
That means Jefferson County, Iowa is officially Kanye's Best County! (Barring some weird situation in another state where he received a lot of write-ins)

In conclusion, it is always the transcendental meditation people. Thanks for traveling this trail with me
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