1/x Post election Vol compression w/ massive Vanna flows ✅ Rally & hold above the 20 day on close ✅ Dec/Jan election hump flattening some, but still has room to continue to decline which could yield potential energy here. 11/9 dealer positioning is also still quite short &
2/x should be supportive into Fri/Mon w/more Vanna flows & a potential election resolution soon...The outlook looks promising here. We were able to jump back in long @ EOD & are still short Vega/long gamma.Time is on the side of supporting flows,as they should continue to gain
3/x secular strength into EOY. As mentioned, continue to look for flows most on close & overnight, as we’re seeing now... It’s important to play any long w/stop @ 20 day on close, as technical picture, though improving, is still potentially precarious until we get close 1.5 std
4/x dev above 20 day remains somewhat precarious. Tomorrow is an ever important Fed day, which paired w/ the day after is historically quite bullish, pair that w/the usual OpEx cycle driven vol compression& Vanna/Charm flows into 11/18th VIX expiry which are building + improving
5/x seasonality+ a significant rerotation into tech & unwind of overstretched positioning in Bonds, as well as a very likely positive post election Pfizer Stage 3 result coming soon & the real risks remain for a Santa Clause & Jan effect 1/15/21 chase & potential for a hopeful
6/x forward look to stimulus and reopening in the year ahead. Good luck! 🍀
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