I MAY just be squeeing internally, at a @PR_InstituteNZ event listening to the experiences of @AshBloomfield over our #Covid19 response
Hosted by the kind folks @ANZ_NZ we’re finding out how our public service peeps pulled together daily intel from overseas to help develop plans. @PR_InstituteNZ
Timing was crucial in getting the intel, so they could monitor the response from overseas, & their results. The four-week gap before our first case gave them the chance to develop plans.
“Ironically my area of expertise is non-communicable diseases” says @AshBloomfield 😂😂
The idea for the daily stand-up was on response to the sheer number of media queries. They also became a valuable way to get key messages out across the board to the public.
@PR_InstituteNZ #AshleyBloomfield #Covid19NZ
Dr Bloomfield knew the key component of his communications was to be open, honest, & share the information that he had, when he had it.

@PR_InstituteNZ #AshleyBloomfield #Covid19
The messaging around the “Levels” framework gave people clear advice of what to expect.

This framework was created by a public servant who had returned from China. The teams of people that contributed key pieces to the comms are legion.

He is very appreciative of the media who also took part in the daily stand-ups.

“Respectful & polite”

He also got emails of support from the public whenever media questions got a bit terse.

It was relentless trying to keep up with the juggernaut.

A typical day was 7am to 7pm, and the Government made decisions on his advice... *yes, pressure!* 🙀

He took a break when he recognised his anxiety levels were peaking too often. “Resilient people recognise the signs.”
He would go away & consider the information, & update his advice if he thought we needed to move sooner. He could have

He got to a point where he decided all he could do was to go out to the centre of the cricket pitch, fully kitted up, & play the balls he was pitched.
His advice on leaders:

If you don’t have a leader who has self-doubt, don’t work for them.
“Do I still need to sign in to the Covid app?”

Yes, you do.

The first lockdown gave us opportunities to be with people we loved, & the chance to listen to bird song again.

There were 1500 fewer deaths because many of the communicable diseases (like flu) were prevented, due to lockdown.

Much of what we are doing in response to this pandemic are completely novel. We haven’t done this before.

We also need to get away from the notion that an imperfect response = failure. We learn, & move on with an improved mindset.

We want people to be open when things don’t go right, so we can all learn from it.

The most successful part was the communications response. Being corroborated by the likes of @SiouxsieW & @hendysh (& not always agreeing) was vital.

Our experts provided an important pillar of the communications process.

Dr Bloomfield can’t get his head around the public recognition (& the tea towels, tee shirts & other items).

He’s bemused by the requests for selfies - but wouldn’t say no to one with @beaudenbarrett 👍👀

He’s had lots of lessons in leadership from children who have sent him...
screeds of letters. The correspondence from the public has been overwhelmingly positive & grateful.

He’s grateful to be in NZ, doing this for New Zealanders. There have been no ungracious incidents throughout this.

He’s been given so many portraits, he could open a gallery.

“It’s a bit disturbing to see your face on earrings, coming towards you.” 😂

His children thought the “Bloomers Group” on Twitter was a hoot. Having his own Wikipedia page meant he’d “made it” to them. 😂

Covid is, in his description, “a tricky virus” so we need to keep doing all the right things to stay at Level 1.

@PR_InstituteNZ #AshleyBloomfield
The next big step will be the arrival of the vaccine, but that’s a long-ish timeframe.

Safe travel zones with the Pacific Islands & Australia may be sooner. Our approach is quite similar to Australia’s.

His aim is for an Alert Level 1 Christmas.

Dr B says the one thing that is imperative for an effective response to this pandemic is TRUST.

Trust & social cohesion are what has given us that head start.



He sends his best wishes to @FoxyLustyGrover & all the kind tweeps who donated for the flowers & for charity.

This tweet feed is one of the many services offered at Eloquent Communications. Talk to me for comms, PR & writing projects. 😁
You can follow @eloquentsonia.
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