Teori: "Supaya nggak merasa bersalah waktu nanti ninggalin/ngebuang."

Yang cari pasangan-labil itu kemungkinan-besar "non-committal"—anti banget ngomongin soal hubungan jangka-panjang, pernikahan, atau berkeluarga sama pasangan-labilnya. Dia bukan cari partner, tapi cari mainan.
(Karena twit awal dihapus oleh yang punya twit jadi wa bikin sendiri.)
Tip: Dalam konteks ini, penulisan yang bener itu "18-year-old(s)", bukan "18 years old".

"18 years old" itu "predicate adjective".
"18-year-old" itu "attributive adjective".

"Attributive adjective" bisa jadi noun. When used as a noun, the plural is "year-olds", not "years-old".
"Predicate adjective" biasa dipakai setelah "to be". "Attributive adjective" biasanya dipakai sebelum noun—tapi juga bisa digunakan sebagai noun.

"[x] years old" sebagai predicate:
He is 22 years old.
The girl is 21 years old.
The woman who was tried for murder was 21 years old.
"[x]-year-old" sebagai adjective:
He's a 22-year-old man with the mind of a 10-year-old.
A 21-year-old girl. Here's a group of 21-year-old girls.

"[x]-year-old" sebagai noun:
He's a 22-year-old man with the mind of a 10-year-old.
He fits in with the group of 10- to 12-year olds.
Tapi ya nggak apa-apa juga kalau nggak hafal aturan ini. Cuma nanti kelihatan kayak orang yang dikehidupan sehari hari nggak tau bedanya antara "di" yang di sambung dan di- yang di pisah.

Dan kemungkinan, susah diterima kerja di agensi penulisan atau editorial berbahasa Inggris.
That's a pretty valid explanation, too. English has overlapping definitions and rules, depending on how deep you're analyzing the language.

Here's another "proof" that single-word adjectives can be used as nouns.
"Eat the rich!"
"Guillotine the rich!"
"You should help the poor." https://twitter.com/baryoism/status/1324307929491623936
You're 100% free to think that they don't (i.e. "that older men don't date unstable young girls as toys"). I don't claim I'm right.

Social "theories" are hard to replicate, hard to prove. At best those "theories" explain "tendencies" or "probabilities". There will be exceptions. https://twitter.com/RendraKB/status/1324308789206544384
Yes. The theory and generalization applies to me too. If I ever decided to romantically-date an unstable 18-year-old, high chance it's just to toy around.

There are other possibilities, like "because she holds the second Death Note and has Shinigami Eyes", but that's an outlier. https://twitter.com/arinaveda/status/1324352465760743424
I have no idea of your current moral-judgment system, but, yes, it's 100% your right to label person A as "fuckin asshole" and person B as "not fuckin asshole" with your own criteria.

In fact, I believe many people will label others who don't make them happy as "fuckin asshole". https://twitter.com/arinaveda/status/1324521516910874624
That is possible, but by my definition a WKS is not "mature". A "mature man", by my definition, will have no need to display "pretence heroism".

A "mature man" may help the girl find confidence, courage, and wisdom, but not interested-romantically in her—until she fixes herself. https://twitter.com/Lqrqs/status/1324520786162380806
Okay. I respect your oπnion about my assholeness.

I doubt you can create your own happiness. Someone who's partisan (i.e. "quickly, frequently, heavily judging the bad-and-good in others") are usually very-attached to society, requiring constant validation to maintain happiness. https://twitter.com/arinaveda/status/1324533556383678464
The root-cause of insecurity is "having nothing to be proud of, compared to peers". Here's a simple-enough benchmark:

Ask someone to write two lists: (1) things they are proud of, (2) things they are ashamed of. The first list measures confidence, the latter measures insecurity. https://twitter.com/arinaveda/status/1324540428612325376
I see f-words and semantic shouting. That is probably your insecurity talking, coming from "your beliefs being confronted".

As I stated, for partisans like the current-you, society (i.e. "what people say and think about you") dictates and controls your happiness and unhappiness. https://twitter.com/arinaveda/status/1324545693604667392
I am not saying other theories, explanations, and methods are wrong. What I stated:

Someone's insecurity is:
1) proportional to "list of things they're ashamed of";
2) inversely-proportional to their confidence; and
3) inversely-proportional to "list of things they're proud of". https://twitter.com/arinaveda/status/1324551207789056001
"Minder karena malu—pede karena bangga." Simple and straightforward definition and observation.

The insecurity-vs-confidence dynamics will be much easier to understand with this POV. Important note: This insecurity-vs-confidence dynamics depends on who someone sees as "peer(s)".
Contoh: Anak-anak dari suku Sakai (Riau) kemungkinan-besar nggak akan minder kalau "putus sekolah", tapi bakal minder kalau "nggak jago berburu".

Sementara, anak-anak di kota-besar seperti Denpasar akan minder kalau "putus sekolah", tapi nggak minder ketika "nggak jago berburu".
Contoh lain, di metropolitan, mungkin orang minder kalau "penghasilan bulanannya di bawah 30 juta", tapi nggak minder kalau "belum nikah".

Sementara, di dusun kecil, orang akan minder kalau "umur 25 belum nikah", tapi nggak minder kalau "penghasilan bulanan kurang dari 10 juta".
Dinamika "malu-bangga" ini efek-samping langsung dari lingkungan-pergaulan yang dipilih [dan nilai/standar yang dipuji/dihina dalam pergaulan itu].

Di semesta anime, tidak ada rasa minder atau malu ketika memakai outfit yang sama berulang-ulang. Beda dengan mahasiswa pas kuliah.
Jadi, buat yang sedang merasa minder atau nggak-percaya-diri tapi bingung kenapa, coba bikin dua daftar ini di catatan pribadi: daftar "malu karena apa" dan "bangga karena apa".

Minimal, bisa tahu mana yang perlu diprioritaskan dan pelan-pelan diubah kalau mau mengurangi minder. https://twitter.com/Okihita/status/1324544507992449024
Polling: Kamu malu nggak kalau, untuk jenis kegiatan sosial yang sama, baju kamu itu-itu mulu*?

*) bersih, dicuci, harum, kualitas kain/jahitan tetap sama, tapi outfit/penampilan/style nggak berubah
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