Beeples $1 Art drop was an extremely clever move,

It went up to $1-$2k within 24 hours.

Let's explore 👇
1/ One of the biggest artist to hit this space.

1.7M IG followers.

13 years STRAIGHT of daily Art drops.

Not mediocre, like absolutely epic Art.
2/ So when he posted this, there was hype around a possible NFT drop.

And that's exactly what happened on Nifty Gateway.
3/ On the day,

Three different art pieces were sold.


Two single editions and one with 100 supply.

All looked wicked.

Let's talk about the 100 supply.
4/ Selling them at $1 made EVERYONE pay attention.

Even though it sold out within 2 seconds, everyone took part in the madness.

Social media blew up.

And everyone was watching the secondary market for a while.
5/ Quick fingers took the pieces.

Serious collectors bought off secondary market.

Even at $1-$2k it was a good buy. Especially being one of the first Beeple drops.

Thus far it's done almost $100k on secondary market.
6/ So now,

There's 100+ people have have Beeple Art,

100+ people telling their friends, promoting the piece in virtual galleries, are interested/invested in future drops, watched the story unfold, will remember the moment of madness, etc.
7/ Beeple didn't just release NFT art,

It was done in a way that immediately had multiple collectors/people join the story from the beginning.

And from now onwards, everyone will be paying attention to the next drops.
8/ Not to mention the other 2 single editions sold for $67k each.

And I think he makes 10% on secondary sales.

So another ~$10k there.
9/ Whether this was the plan or not, the outcome was a big splash.

I have a piece. And am not selling it coz I remember this moment.
10/ Recap,

1. Social media helped validate an amazing story, showed me all his art + follower/collector base.

2. $1 had me involved from the start and gave me a chance to pick up a piece.

3. Healthy secondary market + many collectors means attention on next drops

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