Rig Ved 1.33.11

When a person falls in the trap of lust and love then there is a flood of wishes and lust in him. To overcome this when he goes into the shelter of Parmatma, then he receives the grace & indulgence(अनुग्रह और विग्रह) of Parmatma and acquires an inner vision.

Now he rises above lust and wishes. After getting liberated from wishes he acquires the Amrit tattva.

अनु॑ स्व॒धाम॑क्षर॒न्नापो॑ अ॒स्याव॑र्धत॒ मध्य॒ आ ना॒व्या॑नां ।

स॒ध्री॒चीने॑न॒ मन॑सा॒ तमिंद्र॒ ओजि॑ष्ठेन॒ हन्म॑नाहन्न॒भि द्यून् ॥


आपः अस्य - The water flows near him.

स्वधाम् - Of food grains.

अनु - Aimed at.

अक्षरन्-To flow.

नाव्यानाम् - That much water for a boat to float.

मध्ये - In between.

आ - Everywhere.

अवर्धत - To get increase.

इन्द्र-Of Indra.

सघ्रीचीनेन् - Go together.

मनसा - Like mindedness.

तम् - Theirs

ओजिष्ठेन - Very strong.

हन्मना - After striking.

अभि द्यून - In a few days.

अहन् - To kill.

Explanation :This mantra says that there was so much rain that water started flowing like river. Vritra lay amidst the water which was

enough for a boat to ply and he tried to move forward. Then Indra targeted the demon Vritra(Who too was thinking about Indra) hiding in water and struck him with a powerful weapon thus killing him.

Deep meaning:When a person falls in the trap of lust and love then there is a flood of wishes and lust in him. To overcome this when he goes into the shelter of Parmatma, then he receives the grace and indulgence (अनुग्रह और विग्रह) of Parmatma and acquires an inner vision.

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