🚨Election fraud theory
•Watch the water, could that mean watermark of official election ballots?
•Remember when Blockchain was mentioned quite awhile back? QFS blockchain used to prevent fraud
•Which states were targeted to be watched? The 12 states National Guard deployed!
2. Massive trap! Is this the most massive trap in history?
•Voter fraud for the world to see! Look at where NG has been called up!
•Recount the actual votes in these states which have been water stamped with blockchain.
•TWELVE 12 what a beautiful number!
3. Follow the pen 🖊
•Remember when Pelosi had her expensive pens? What did @realDonaldTrump answer he with? A PERMANENT MARKER!
•What kind of pen is election fraudsters pushing to use?
•What pen does DJT use to sign EO orders? Oh those permanent markers.
—>He knows!
4. 👀⤵️ This is FAR from over!
•So DHS took over for Voter fraud commission
•Department of Homeland Security printed official ballots with non-radioactive isotope water marks on “Official ballots.”
•Define military sting! After weeding out counterfeit ballots, red wave
5. Biden “we have put together the most extensive voter fraud in history.”
•Odd thing to say!
6. READ THIS! So true!
7. Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it impossible to change, hack or cheat the system. It’s a digital ledger of transactions.
@FLOTUS I see you! Block chain comms!
🔺Like RED in Hunt for Red October?
🔺The Hunters will become the hunted?
🔺Military has the infrared tech to count the ballots.
Dems never knew. All the fake ballots won't have the watermark!
🔺Corn ink @ChuckGrassley? Harvest away Chuck!
9. Space Force needed? Why yes they are!
▪️Big tech cell phone spying you say? @realDonaldTrump says space force spying!
▪️Who controls the military?
▪️What can military satellites do?
—>Can they listen through buildings? What? You say they can!
BIG rats needs BIG traps!
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