In order to begin to understand why so many white suburbanites mobbed the Detroit TCF center today & demanded an end to counting ballots, we need to acknowledge that they really are in a cult (of personality led by Trump) that has merged with the cult of Q-Anon & InfoWars.
For ex, this woman retweeted a Q acct about Dems allegedly stealing military ballots as part of a sting setup by genius Trump. Her husband is a MI state legislator. She was at TCF today banging on the windows, insisting GOP challengers locked out b/c *obvs* Dems stealing votes.
When I was at Detroit TCF center, GOP challengers were obsessed w/ locating “the military ballots.” They seemed certain Dems had hid/replaced/faked them. There’s been a complete merger of GOP w/ these online conspiracy worlds. Election of Marjorie Green is the tip of the iceberg
It’s also clear in their rejection of scientific evidence related to Covid (ie: its real); their belief that Bill Gates is funding vaccines to track & program people; & their obsession w/ Soros & Antifa, etc. Media is beginning to cover it, but it’s already endemic.
They speak an entirely different language; get info from a different media ecosphere; & are wholly immune to rational/factual reasoning. It’s a national problem that will only get worse w/ a Biden presidency, b/c they believe everything Trump, Giuliani & Q have said about Biden.
Never-mind the bizarre merger of these Trump/GOP/Q cultists with white evangelicals and domestic violent extremists....whatever happens with the election, we need to dismantle this crazytown crowd. It won’t be easy.
Examples from tonight:
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