3 ways you can use Amazon to fix your cuck ass dropshipping store...


You're so busy doing hours of research, you forgot Amazon has all that data in one place.

For free.

From your ideal customer.

Find whatever you're selling on Amazon, it's there, trust me. Go down to the reviews. Amazon has it organized by top keywords.
If I was selling a hat organizer, I'd go to the top 3 listings on Amazon.

I'd scroll to reviews and LOOK WHAT I FIND. List of top keywords from ALL REVIEWS.

Terms, phrases, long-tail keywords that YOUR customers are using to describe what they love/hate about the product.
At first glance, you can see that customers care about...


Easy to work backward from features -> benefits and now I know EXACTLY what customers care about when they buy hat organizers.

I know what to include in my copy.

I don't need to guess what my customer concerns are before the purchase decision. Amazon gives me that too.

Right above reviews is a Q/A section - the most underrated aspect of Amazons $100m marketing R&D.
Scroll down. Click on view all questions, sort by most helpful.

What can I do with this info?

- Run an ad addressing these concerns
- Show how my hat rack hits these pain points on my PDP
- Make a gif showing all the hats mine can hold
Oh look - all those customer concerns I can address before they even hit my page.

Not to mention the number of angles I can use in my ads.

Does my hat rack hold big, flowy, hats that white girls love wearing to brunch? Maybe.

New fuckin angle and audience, bro.

I don't use Aliexpress images but you probably still do. If I were you, I'd look at the top listings and find patterns in their image carousel.

Now I don't have to guess what type of content to shoot, I base it off Amazon listings and add my own branded touch.
What does this do?

It tells me what customers like to see. Especially on top listings.

No top seller on Amazon doesn't tweak and edit their carousel with fresh creative and order of images.

Chances are the top seller has it locked down, so I follow suit with better images.
Guess what.

They even have videos on the carousel. Now I have another source of content to improve on for my website.
This is the tip of the iceberg.

Now go uncuck your website based on all this free game and watch your sales skyrocket.

Here's a bonus tip for your image carousel;

- Hero image
- 3/4 shot
- Diagrammatic
- Lifestyle
- Lifestyle
- Video
This is the listing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001DTA6MY 

They do $205k/month on Amazon. If you're selling a hat organizer, follow their example until you break $210k/month on your store.

And if you made it down here, retweet this thread to save an ad account.
You can follow @Asaaadude.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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