Biden may eek out a victory but it will be unacceptably close. Can't even call it bittersweet. It's more like winning at a slot machine and having to accept coins via enema. Democrats have had years to game out an alternative and to offer working Americans a plan. They didn't.
The allure of celebrity fascism is real, but so is a politician unafraid to fight for his vision-- as demented as Trump's is. Dems had every advantage to capitalize on the utter failure of this administration and turn it into a compelling platform, do real deep community building
They didn't. And when the most popular politician in the country ran for their nomination and repeated a consistent vision consistently that galvanized millions, democratic party leadership chose otherwise. We got the same campaign of "I'm not him" that lacked a real ground game.
We still must defeat Trumpism. It's not going anywhere. A year ago I laid out 5 ways to beat Trump for Newsbroke. So much is still relevant to today (except Dems did impeach the president finally)
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