Follow me - A Thread.

Once in a while I am reminded how much social following influences decision making when hiring talent. This isn’t about anything recent, I just have always prided myself on my work and to be hired on merit - but I know that sometimes numbers matter. 1/4
Whilst I occasionally have done giveaways and like making someones day when they win. I don’t like to ‘buy followers’ with constant giveaways to inflate numbers. If people are interested in following then it’s up to them. I do use Twitter for personal tweets too, not all work 2/4
I commentate / Host on Halo, FIFA, Apex, Valorant and used to work on Hearthstone.

I also enjoy playing games such as WoW, Diablo, F1, CS - a variety that I stream occasionally.

Whilst esports is my full time job, I also am a huge fan of sports and love film, tv & theatre. 3/4
If you would like to follow someone who plays and works on a variety of games, enjoys memes and dogs ➡️ 

For you it is only a follow, but your extra follow might convince a TO I’m worth their money. :)

You can follow @DanGaskin.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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