All right, let's do this. I'm watching Fox tonight. For old time's sake.

Tucker is on with @JennaEllisEsq. Only caught the end of it, but the discussion is very abstract, with generic invocations of transparency and right to vote, etc. Very detached air to the whole exchange.
My Pillow commercial, drink.
"We still have a path to victory," Tucker's subdued next guest insists. He then complains about the failure of a judge to recognize the Trump campaign's "right" to view various election activities.
Tucker Carlson isn't directly acknowledging that Trump lost, but he's totally acknowledging Trump lost.
Tucker is now attacking "outraged wine moms."
Tucker is now talking about Zapata and Starr Counties, and the Latino vote shift there. Which, well, fair enough.
Tucker is now pulling clips from random YouTube people to use as examples of what Democrats in general are like.

Everything sounds like they're on tranqs though.
"Intersectionality means that white men oppress everyone else," Tucker says, to explain to his listeners what intersectionality is.
Fox News already flipped on Trump last night. This current performance is just the wake.
Tucker says he is different from all the Fake News Media outlets because he, unlike them, admits he's wrong. For instance, he admits he was wrong in predicting that Biden would be pulled off the primary campaign trail, and never make it onto the ballot.
Tucket says that last night's results were "not the landslide [the media] expected," and so watching how upset some were was "like Christmas again and again."

It's as if Tucker is making a play to claim he was never pro-Trump, he was just pro-liberal tears.
My Pillow commercial, drink.
"They were totally convinced Biden would just sweep!" Tucker cackles, finding the bright side even in what is obviously going to be Trump's decisive loss.
"These people are sad! Really sad! That America would disagree with them," says Tucker. His definition of "America" is apparently "Trump voters."
This dude called Mark Steyn is on and I don't know who he is but he is just saying words in no particularly discernable order.

The mists of Michigan and the great romance of Kamala have been mentioned.

Tucker seems relieved to hand off to Hannity.
Hannity's tone sounds more normal (for him) than Tucker's, right off the bat.

He is ranting about how Trump has done more for "the human condition" than anyone else in our history.
Hannity: "How many dead people received ballots, Kevin McCarthy was telling me all about it."
Hannity is monologuing, and not gonna lie, I forgot to pay attention for a couple minutes there.
Hannity is attacking how wrong the polls were.

Lots of bitching about the media and the Democrats, but so far no effort to claim that Trump "actually won" the election.

Trump's loss remains unarticulated, and undenied.
Current segment: "The Malicious Media." Hannity is revisiting all the old hits about the deep state, big tech, and Hillary.

He then mentions how Biden is suffering from dementia and the media is helping him to cover it up.
Hannity: "Do you trust what happened in this election? ... I have a lot of questions."

lmfao, that is the weakest Fox defense of Trump I can remember.
Hannity: "Ask yourself if you really believe... this was a fair election?"

The dude can't even directly attack the process, I assume the Fox powers that be have told him he's not allowed to this go around. So this hypothetical questions game is the best he can do.
I keep thinking of Fox News on election night 2012 and Megyn Kelly asked Karl Rove, "Is that just math you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better?", and how now in 2020 Fox doesn't even have a goddamn Megyn Kelly to ask that question.
Now James Earl Jones is reading the Bible.
My Pillow, drink.
Hannity is now discussing the Trump campaign's lawsuits. But there still has not been any suggestion from Hannity whatsoever that Trump "actually" won the election, or that the outcome is in real doubt.

I swear Fox News must've given orders to Hannity not to go there.
Speak of the devil, Karl Rove is on.

He's holding a series of (unmatched) whiteboards with lots of numbers written on them. He's explaining the distinction between mail in and drop in ballots, but Hannity interrupts him to rant about "ballots in trash cans."
My Pillow commercial, this time for the mattress topper, drink.
Why does Hannity punctuate witness interviews by emphatically waving a pair of glasses around, when he's never seen wearing them?
Hannity gets DeSantis to semi-grudgingly agree that what's goin on in the elections in PA and MI is "troubling," for unspecified reasons.
Ari Fleischer borrowed one of Karl Rove's tiny whiteboards with lots of numbers on it. How long until Hannity rage-interrupts on the wonkery.
Trump declares that the Democratic Party is now the "rich coastal elite party."
My Pillow, drink. Also My Sheets, drink again.
Ingraham, on what it will mean if the Democrats win: "It's incumbent on the Democrats to explain how this was a legitimate election. ... It's getting worse by the minute."
Ingraham is the third Fox show of the night to kill time and avoid talking about Trump lost, by instead attacking pollsters and arguing that "the 'experts' failed."

She is now complaining about how unfair it was that the media was so slow to declare Trump's state-level wins.
Ingraham brings up Zapata and Starr Counties, once again.

This is going to be the Republican line for the next two election cycles, at least.
Ingraham is now giving a eulogy to Trump, lauding his "stamina, charisma, and drive." She tells viewers, "You're going to be able to tell your grand kids that we once had a president who stood up for the little guy."
Literally not a single discussion on any Fox show tonight about why Trump didn't win enough votes, or why he failed to connect with a majority of voters.

Instead, there's been a constant litany of complaints about how Democrats fail to understand "the right half of the country."
I forgot to post this because I never caught his real name, but Hannity had this bowtie on earlier.
Not an exaggeration: there has not been a single commercial break tonight without a Mike Lindell appearance.

Also, drink.
Ingraham finally mentions the Trump campaign lawsuits against various states.

Nearly 3 hours in, and this is the first actual news update of the night.
Ingraham, on Chief Justice Roberts denying hearing a GOP case to challenge the vote: "it is a shock what he did, to not save this country."
I take no pleasure in reporting this, but drink.
"We're at the start of the second presidential campaign of 2020," says Newt Gingrich. He promises that in the coming weeks we'll see an "explosion of rage."

He argues that because of Democrat corruption, Trump should by default win all remaining undecided states.
Ingraham, on what happens if Trump loses the election:"How powerful will Donald Trump be in the next 2 to 4 year periods?"
Ingraham claims that if the corrupt Democrats cause Trump to lose this election, "He'll be bigger, much bigger" than he was before.
Yeah yeah, y'all know the drill.
Ingraham says, "The question of Biden's mental acuity was never explored by the media," confirming for all of us what we already knew about what exactly Fox News is.
Mike Lindell coming for me like
Coda: Fox News is officially over Trump.

Turned the TV on to see Pam Bondi trying to claim there's fraud going on in PA, and the Fox & Friends crew are just not having it. She uses the phrase "fake ballots" and they come down hard on her; she seems shocked to get push back.
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