.: * Things you shouldn't say or do when you meet latinxs °•;
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if you meet people who tell you they are from a Latin American country don't tell them they don't look latinx because of their skin, eyes and hair color, it's annoying.
if we tell you that our country is in Latin America, DO NOT tell us that the country is not there, why would we lie to you?
do not make fun of our accent when we speak to you in english, not everyone speaks fluenty and with a defined accent.
do not treat us as stupid for telling you that America is a large continent that divides into North America, Central America and South America, we try to teach you not to make the same mistake when you start saying that America is a country when is not.
don't even think about making fun of the economic situation we went through.
do not call us narcos, house cleaners, poor, or any kind of nickname that may be offensive and before someone say anything, "gringo" is not offensive, we mainly call gringos to the people who speak English, If we call you gringo +
+ we are not calling you white, your skin color doesn't matter, as I said, we mainly call gringo to the people who speak English or a different language.
also, not all latin women have curves or a big butt, ok?
Latin American countries:
Chile, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Honduras, México, Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua.
pls follow the advice I gave you.
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