Today is our 18th birthday on @AroundtheHorn. We're old enough to vote in the next election!

It gobsmacks the mind. How many daily tv shows have made it 18 years?! 4045 episodes!?!

You know me, my feeling have feelings, so feel with me. Here's a pep talk
Here's a very normal walk to work for me.
Here’s when we met Sgt Peppers
Oldies will remember we started with joysticks, points, mutes, a disembodied voice & @maxkellerman knowing 4 things to be true. A trivia question at the end & the panelists' point total became the time for their Facetime.

TRIVIA Q: Can you name the 4 panelists on the first show?
@timcowlishaw and @jadande and @ProfBlackistone and @BillPlaschke and @JackieMacDontTweet and @MichaelSHolley and @CharlesPPierce appreciate the love - they were right there - but the first @aroundthehorn:...

@woodypaige @GlobeBobRyan @MariottiSports & TJ Simers! Simers W!
I'm happy to do an Ask Me Anything in a trade off for recognition for our crew. You all know the panelists, here's the crew:

Our two lifers: Producer @asolomon6 - who, hello, is the producer of the show! and Director Myriam Leger. It's a zero without them. Cornerstones!
Can. Not. Do. This. Show. Without Producer @joshbard. Every joke and wildly creative angle and spirit in this Horn comes from him. Director @JohnDursee directs a show in 6 different studios at once -yes that's what our show is - daily!! Cmon, now!
Producers of video and content @weinerjeff @CMWillett_03 -our show better every year because of their commitment and hunger. Greg Hopper, Rob Mitton, Daniel Rastatter, Alex Staherski, Howie Lutt, James Mirsky Delano Bell, Cathy Noel been with us thousands of episodes in DC.
Every panelist deserves all the credit in the world, just so happens @woodypaige has the most career wins, the best career chalkboard and the greatest highlight video
It’s possible this video was a little much, THE GAME OF THROW INS!
That time I made a killing selling the mute button on the street.
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