My statement on yesterday's election results in the #cosen race. Thread to follow #copolitics 1/

cc @SenCoryGardner @CoryGardner @hickenlooper @SenatorBennet @indivisiblefrr @indivisibleden @IndivisibleTeam @IndivisibleNOCO
Cory Gardner lost his job yesterday, and has no one but himself to blame. Let me expand on that. Cory Gardner voted in disastrous ways over the past six years, and enabled fascism, corruption, and disarray. #copolitics 2/
The constituents of Colorado, faced with very little power outside of their own voices, decided to shine a bright light on that fuckery.

We set out 4 years ago with a singular mission, and we never wavered: to make Cory Gardner a one-term senator. #copolitics 3/
And we did that yesterday, soundly. We followed the lead of community groups and activists who have been doing this work long before I came on the scene. Folks in labor, immigrant rights, disbility rights, and many, many others. 🙏 #copolitics 4/
I'm filled with mixed emotions however, as I look at the map and see that there's still a possibility for a trump reelection, and therefore a strong possibility that other senators will go on and continue to enable corruption, cynical obstructionism, and greed. #copolitics 5/
That should make it clear, however, that Cory Gardner was not "swept up in the anti-Trump winds of 2020." Look at these election returns. If every senate seat were tied to trump backlash, Susan Collins would have lost. Graham. #copolitics 6/
So would Tillis. Hell, maybe even the Georgia seats would have gone, it's still too early to know. The loss of the CO senate seat -- a net gain for Democrats in the chamber -- that was due to Cory Gardner's choices. #copolitics 7/
He made his anti-immigrant, anti-healthcare, anti-environment, anti-justice, anti-science, anti-democracy choices, and we followed his every move. I'm not in any way sorry that Gardner lost his job. There is no rehabilitation for the career that he himself trashed. #copolitics 8/
He can recede into obscurity and never hold public office again. Colorado's already better for it.

People are saying it's time for me to head to the garbage bin. But while Cory Gardner is garbage, 1) he's still a senator until next January, and 2) I'm recyclable. #copolitics 9/
We'll have two Democratic senators now, but it's unclear how they'll navigate the immensely challenging landscape of 2021, likely in a Senate minority. We expect the Dems in power to reflect the values of the voters who put them there. #copolitics 10/
I hope to see them surround themselves with the many communities they represent, including indigenous tribes, Black and Brown leaders, those from rural Colorado, and those all along the I-25 corridor. And we expect regular dialogue. Accessibility. Explanations. #copolitics 11/
And accountability.

Besides Garnder himself, many must take credit for this win. Most are unpaid and answer to titles like "mom". And they know that 2020 is just a milemarker.

Nobody with power is exempt from a cardboard shadow. We will be eyes up, always. #copolitics /end
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