For 4 years I’ve been keeping track of the corruption, double dealing, stealing from taxpayers, hate and following the same playbook SCL & Cambridge Analytica put in place in every globally hijacked democracy of theirs.

I’ve learned a few things:
I learned that through AggregateIQ (AIQ aka SCL Canada) leaving their tool repository open (found by @VickerySec) that indeed, Cambridge Analytica & SCL pumped Pepe Memes & swastikas for Trump’s 2016 election.

In the US this was a blip, hardly mentioned & not covered by media.
I learned that Facebook, with help of employees that formerly worked for SCL & Cambridge Analytica, cared more about observing the genocides they propelled vs stopping them.

This valuable data allowed them to tweak their mind-hacking algos even more.
I learned US politicians did not care enough to truly educate themselves with few exceptions. No one has been truly held to account & so Facebook and Bannon continue to spread a surreal veil of disinformation EASILY.
I learned since Bannon & Mercer’s involvement in 2014, SCL/Cambridge Analytica worked for corrupt or corruptible global clients. Easier to pocket $ from kleptocrats.

Liviu Dragnea in Romania, a felon for money laundering & bribery, was a client.
I learned US voter information & psychographic profiles - what makes you tick to sway decision making- was freely shared by Trump’s campaign manager with the GRU.

And no one was held accountable despite in being in the Mueller Report.
I learned the US has a news desert problem that Trump’s FTC hijacked to promote seemingly local news with a Trump bent.

In addition SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Russia & others created local news looking sites to sway critical thinking & push disinformation. 
These are the things I think about today that explain why our election did not start out as a brisk & loud landslide statement against a criminal, kleptocrat, COVID killing, inept, racist, narcissistic POTUS who would see the US in recession & harmed by bad governance.
For more reference: over 500 posts listing SCL/Cambridge Analytica documents & articles covering global activity.

The US is not an island. This is not new. Just because you think it can’t happen here, doesn’t mean it has not been & isn’t right now.
I learned @Facebook really really doesn’t give a sh!t.

If they aren’t going to stop Bannon after calling for decapitation & piking of government officials, then Facebook needs to be held to account & heavily regulated.

H/t @EmmaLBriant
You can follow @VelvetBlade.
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