-Trump wins the most non-white voters by a Republican since 1960
-A possible Biden win
-11 new Republican WOMEN in congress

If you think any of that ends wokeness let me introduce exhibit A.

Eddie Glaude dresses up racial guilt as humility and pours it on everyone:
The woke are NOT going to stop with the racial gaslighting. If anything, it may receive less media coverage in terms of news stories, but takes like this one claiming Cubans are "white' not hispanic are going to continue.
People like Nikole Hannah Jones still have their positions of power in places like the New York Times. In light of all the Cubans and Venezuelan ex-pats who voted for Trump, they will pump out content that claims people aren't "really" Latino unless they vote the right way:
They are going to say the Cuban- Americans and Venezuelan-Americans are race traitors because they voted for Trump and call those people sell-outs
And they will continue to lean into the identity politics even harder then they already are. The racial scape-goating of white people and the attempts to make everyone who is not woke feel stupid and ignorant in an effort to undercut their moral authority will continue.
They will claim that in light of the election result what is needed is more focus on race, not less. This means more racial hot takes, more articles meant to guilt people, and more media gaslighting
They will begin to claim that any gay person who voted for Trump does not really count as gay, or is not a trustworthy person.

Just more slander to erode the credibility of anyone who disagrees with wokeness.
They will expand the definition of whiteness to include anything that they disagree with, and will claim Black people who do not support wokness either aren't really Black, or "think of themselves as white."
They'll call them oreos: "black on the outside, white on the inside."
They'll say women who voted for Trump can't think for themselves and are puppets controlled by their husbands.

They'll do this to ignore what those women actually think and claim those voters don't have the ability to make their own decisions and thus have no moral authority
They will continue to engage in disgusting smears against black people who are not woke enough. Here Joy Reid calls Sjpreme Court Justicd Clarence Thomas "Uncle Clarence." She is hinting at the term "uncle tom" a racial epithet used to refer to a self hating black person.
So this is NOT over. The woke have burrowed deep into our institutions, and if you think they are going to let them go without a fight you are mistaken. What is FAR more likely is that they will, under the guise of "sensitivitg training" try to make institutions MORE woke.
And if Biden repeals the executive order against Crtitcal Race Theory they will sweep in dressed as "diversity training" and IMMEDIATLY begin to quickly and quietly spread wokeness throughout the government, and turn government agencies into woke spreading institutions.
The Republicans have rejected wokeness.
Many Democrats voted against wokeness (the dems voted Biden, the least woke candidate!!!)
Everyone hates wokeness, but it is in the institutions and it will not stop.

So get ready for what's coming because...
In the same way the devil comes dressed as an angel of light and fascism comes wrapped in a flag carrying a cross; wokeness comes wrapped in compassion and empathy while preaching Social Justice.

So get ready, be on your toes and do your prep work because...
To quote the now cancelled Winston Churchill: "This is not the beginning of the end, it is the end of the beginning."

Now the real fight starts

Let's go.

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