I'm not coming back to Twitter until after @realDonaldTrump is declared the winner.

That's because this is a time to be brave, and too many of you are gutless cowards.

I don't want to hear your slobbering fear.

1. Trump prepared for this exact fight.

2. Trump LOVES challenges.

3. The law is 100 percent on Trump's side.

4. Trump has a million legal weapons to fight this.

5. This will lead to greater federal oversight of voting for national office.

The reason they pulled this amateurish horseshit is that Republicans never fought fraud before.


Leftists always overreach.

It's very easy to defeat the current fraud:
The Supreme Court can force the states to discard the fraudulent votes.

The court can NULLIFY the mail-in ballot dumps that were 100 percent for Biden.

They arrived AFTER November 3.


Trump's legal team has worked out strategies using laws nobody thought of before.
The reason I'm not coming back until after this is over is that too many of you will want to fight me.

The large number of gutless Trump "supporters" should've clued me in that too many Americans have been ruined by 60 years of brainwashing.
I VASTLY overestimated Americans' ability to think.

You know where were are today?

The SUDANESE are more realistic than we are.

The NORTH KOREANS are more realistic than we are.

It's inexcusable that Trump got fewer electoral votes in 2020 than in 2016.
More then half the country DID vote for the senile career criminal who's also a you-know-what.

That allows me to write them all off.

I no longer care about those who hate Trump so much that they tried to destroy the country just to "get" him.

They should get no federal help.
It's going to take me a while to shake off my rage.

Trump WON, and he will take the oath of office on January 20, 2021.

We'll see if I come back to Twitter.

I don't need the daily blast furnace of stupidity and negativity from ALL SIDES.
We are a PATHETIC culture.

As we are now.

Who knows where we'll be in 2024?

But for now, I feel like I'm talking to developmentally challenged nursery schoolers.

In that sense, I'm FAILING TRUMP.

He's not angry at our nearly indestructible stupidity.
But I have a rage problem.

As I've said.

I need time off from the fear and sheer spinelessness.

I never saw the John Wick movies, but I was watching clips last night.

Keanu Reeves did most of his own stunts. Like 90 percent of them.

That's why there are so few edits.
These clips are very relaxing for me.

So I'm going to lose myself in fiction, not piddling reality.

There's a great quote from the first movie:

"He's not the boogeyman; he's the person you send to KILL the boogeyman."
Trump is John Wick.

As the Democrats are about to find out.

And expect Trump to get some pretty major revenge for them trying to steal the election.

Earth-shattering revenge.

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