i see once again it’s time for everyone to pick somebody else to blame for whatever happens. wonderful. i would like to nominate my cousin, who i haven’t seen since i was five and who lives on a different continent
that was the funny tweet to trick you into reading this next one, which is that i’d love just for once in my life to read a take by a cis white woman about all the cis white women trump voters that isn’t just “well i think we should talk about something else”
super interesting that the alleged fragility of cis white women is both an integral pillar of white supremacy AND what so-called liberal cis white women IMMEDIATELY invoke when asked to reckon with their demographic’s overwhelming investment in… white supremacy
here’s a great take from a transfem that’s part of a longer thread about how many cis white women sincerely think that because of their gender they are incapable of being oppressors https://twitter.com/maidensblade/status/1322337598862479360
that thread is about the perpetuation of transmisogyny but imo you can make an identical argument about how and why cis white women perpetuate white supremacy
so often it’s treated as somehow antifeminist or suspect to point out how many cis white women are far more invested in whiteness than they are in gender… and yet
anyway in general if your response to “why do so many people like you vote for genocidal fascists” is “how dare you not ask about all the other kinds of people who vote for genocidal fascists” then you are, in fact, part of the reason
(went back and fixed to properly credit the author of that thread, which i’ve been thinking about for a week, you should too)
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