though it's hard to talk about on here without sounding reductive, Trump's gains with men (except for white ones!) suggests some real grim dynamics involving class on the one hand and the complex, paradoxical configurations of patriarchal violence in our emergent police populism
I should also say that the ability of this coalition to coalesce around a tranparently patriachal ghoul like Trump - whose peformance of masculinity is hardly a heartland stereotype, and is downright campy - reveals more than just the centrality of malice and gaslighting to this
like it's scarier precisely b/c latching on to him despite his clownish, absurdly decrepit masculinity (and his racism, which increasing numbers of men who aren't white appear able to look past) speaks to the urgent and desperate conditions which preceded + intensified under him
IE, I would argue (as have others) that the neoliberal turn, deindustrialization etc crystallized both longstanding and new libidinal and material insecurities for many American men. real or imagined, histrionic or historically grounded, those insecurities - about being a 1/2
a breadwinner, about education, about class mobility, about social capital, about intensified competition and strain at all levels, etc has encourages many men to vindicate their what they feel should be their dignity by identify w/ authority, taking out grievance on others, etc
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