Anyone who has the post-election take that “Louisville and Lexington aren’t part of Kentucky ✨” I’ve got news for ya:

Ya fuckin are
Here I’ve got a map and everything!
You’re either committed to enacting revolutionary change and liberation for all people in the state (esp. working-class people) or you’re not at all. And you can pretend everything is fine and good in the cities all ya want but it ain’t
Yes I know Eastern Kentucky is a hotbed of racism and has woeful levels of education! I grew up there! Yet I’ve seen more Trump caravans in Louisville and Lexington. We gotta target and question existing structures that have allowed these things to take root and abolish them
The issues before us of poverty, racism, education, health care, essentially the exploitation of people under capitalism extend as far out into the countryside as much as they do in downtown metropolitan areas
Moreover, y’all pull this same shit line every election and it’s old! Get some new material at least
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