i just think bakugou would ruffle his sidekicks’ hair when he becomes a pro & say “way to not die, idiot” in the most lovingly bakugou way & give them secret gift packages with homemade food & pretty flowers when they’re in the hospital recovering from field work injuries
people ask his interns & sidekicks how the hell they can even be around that man for so long because he’s just a “narcissistic asshole” but they just look at them all confused because they see how he is at the agency & how he looks out for them & treats them like they’re family
& when a 2nd year girl from ua decides to intern with him she’s scared at first but then bakugou gets insanely overprotective of her in the big brother type of way & gives warning glares to any guys that try to hit on her while they’re out on patrol but acts like he doesn’t care
he’s like that with all the girls at the agency (& the boys too. he doesn’t like anyone messing with his “kids”) but this girl is different for some reason, extra special. (riot, his husband, tells him it’s because she reminds him of deku. bakugou says that’s dumb)
the girl’s insanely strong, & bakugou admires strong heroes, especially when they’re so young. but she’s got a problem holding back and —okay, maybe she’s a /little/ like that dumb nerd— one day when they’re on a big mission she ends up getting pretty roughed up
it sends bakugou into a frenzy. he’s warned her not to go too hard before, she knows overuse of her quirk will make her black out, but when a villain is heading straight for ground zero she just can’t help it! she does her best to protect his back while it’s turned, save him.
but then the light stops flowing out of her palms and bakugou can /feel/ that something’s wrong. he turns around just in time to see her head hit the pavement, chest barely rising as she collapses into an unconscious heap. & bakugou sees red.
the newspaper article says the villains died due to a building’s infrastructure collapsing, they really saved bakugou’s ass on that one. he just wasn’t going to let anyone hurt his girl & get away with it. he blames the freckles for reminding him so much of deku.
he rides with her in the ambulance, holding her limp hand, it’s cold. eijirou meets him at the hospital, he had just gotten off patrol himself & went straight there the second bakugou called him. ei hugs bakugou as silent tears roll down his cheeks when they take her to OR.
he stays up, late, to bake for her. it had taken a full hour for eijirou to even convince katsuki to leave the hospital to go home & shower. when they finally make it home he goes straight to the kitchen, eijirou doesn’t try to stop him. he knows.
he also knows that when he wakes up, katsuki won’t be there. he’ll be at the hospital with his homemade cookies & muffins & whatever else he picked up on the way to visit. he’ll want to be there when his kid wakes back up.
& when she does, he doesn’t cry. nope, his eyes are just sweating is all. that’s what he tells her anyways. & she just laughs. (it’s nice to hear her laugh) she smiles at him with a busted lip & says something like “don’t get sappy on me now, boss. you’ll ruin your image.”
he nods, says she’s right (that’s a first), and leans over to ruffle a hand over her matted hair.

“thanks for not dying on me, dumbass.”

“thanks for not letting me,” she grins.

he’s so proud of her. she teasingly asks him to brush her hair, he surprisingly says yes.
when he gets back home he tells eijirou he wants to adopt her, eijirou explains that they can’t just do something like that, they don’t even know if he she has a family. bakugou says he’ll find out. he checks her files. she does in fact have a family. bakugou totally doesn’t cry.
& so when people ask just how bad it is to work for ground zero, all the interns & sidekicks just laugh. because it’s not bad, it never will be. because though he seems like a dick to the media, deep down he’s actually really sweet. & he won’t let anything happen to his kids.
i just think bakugou would do something like that.
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