I’ve worked directly with other survivors as an advocate for almost a decade now, & I’ve never once seen a survivor share their story publicly in any capacity who HASN’T been accused of lying- mostly by incel types with a long internet footprint of harassing & stalking women.
These types usually have delusions of grandeur (as well as extreme paranoia) & think they’re doing something ground breaking. They really think they’re special or unique for trying to intimidate & gaslight us.
They usually use the predictable from their kind & truly boring at this point claim of “ha! You can’t prove it! Oh, you provided proof? Well all your proof must be fake!!” & so ensues a constant moving of goal posts for what suffices as “proof” to them.
This summer someone on reddit was harassing me by falsely claiming if my story was true, it would’ve been reported by a news source. My story got a global front page pickup in 41 languages with the world’s largest news broadcaster. https://twitter.com/RoseKalemba/status/1226664021241290753
When this was pointed out by someone, he said that wasn’t good enough & demanded to see uncensored thumbnails from the videos of me being raped as a child. It’s not at all shocking but always nauseating how quickly these types show their true colors & outright ask for CSEM.
@AvriSapir & I both got constantly asked for “proof” of our rapes being on PornHub, & it frequently & rapidly in those cases devolves much of the time into them outright asking us for CSEM of ourselves- & then when we call them out for that, they accuse of being liars +
& moral crusaders going around falsely accusing people of being predators because we’re on a super secret mission to ban masturbation & take away their freedom. & that actually WE’RE the gross ones for not sending them CSEM. Which they’re totally not creeps for asking for. /s
Another common theme with these types of sad, delusional creeps is accusing us of lying & changing our stories- based on lies & misinformation THEY & OTHERS have spread about us.
This particular man has been stalking & slandering me for months, & apparently has been doing so to both @AvriSapir & I on Reddit under the username AltruisticSomewhere. He told Avri to suck his dick & called us both liars & continues to falsely accuse me of changing my story. https://twitter.com/rosekalemba/status/1319457074414276610
These types also try to use many survivors waiting a while to come forward with our stories publicly as some sort of “gotcha! You must be lying!” when people like them are the reason so many of us wait to come forward, or never do at all.
These types also frequently pick one or several token “good, ‘real’ victims” to pseudo-support & try to say that “fake victims” (because they make up fantasies of us being an evil supervillain liar in their imaginations to justify their abuse & harassment as a moral thing) +
& they try to exploit their token victims abuse to claim that’s who they are fighting for trying to “expose” other survivors & falsely accuse us of lying about our stories. When in reality they’ve done nothing to actually help or support their token victims, just use them as a +
pawn to hurt the “bad” victims. I’ve been on both sides of this- I’ve had people try to use MY rape to attempt to discredit other survivors, & claim they’re standing up for me- by harassing & calling another survivor a liar based on absolutely nothing. I don’t stand for that.
I will not be used by some abuser who seeks to harm another survivor. & every. single. time. I’ve made this clear, said person then turns on me & says I must be lying too & directs even more hate at me than the original target in some cases.
I refuse to play their games & try to appease them by providing “proof” to suit their ever shifting goal posts. I don’t want or need the approval or “support” of people like that. I don’t even like giving them the attention they so desperately crave.
They are usually at their core just grifters looking to gain a crumb of relevance by going after survivors with a bit of a platform. On the other hand, I believe it’s important to call out these people & when possible make them face real world consequences for the harm they cause https://twitter.com/RoseKalemba/status/1263907462480093186
These people never do any harm to my reputation or credibility, or any of the other survivors they tend to target. We’ve pretty much all lost exactly zero of our real supporters because of their lies. If anything, we gain more because decent people are disgusted by their behavior
But who they DO harm is survivors who haven’t come forward yet, & will now be too intimidated to do so. Afraid they’ll become the next target of abusive people like this. This is rape culture. It’s designed to keep us quiet & afraid.
Relevant thread 👇🏼 https://twitter.com/RoseKalemba/status/1324086738923511814
You can follow @RoseKalemba.
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