//child rape, death, trauma, abuse, violence

Why NOMAPS (and the zoophile version of that, same logic just replace MAP with zoophile) shouldn't be punished, from a victim of child rape. I'd prefer not going into detail about exactly what happened, but if I need to I will.
First off, why I didn't say "pedophilia" is because it's is an age range. I was repeatedly assaulted by a nepiophile (0-5 y/o) and not a pedophile (6-early teens).

NOMAP means "non-offending minor attracted person". An umbrella term for any MAP that doesn't abuse kids or have CP
They can't help having these desires in the first place, I really doubt being a MAP is a choice.

What they CAN choose is not grooming, kidnapping or generally raping kids. Same goes for any dark fantasy/desire. If they don't act but still get punished, that's thoughtcrime.
I'm against punitive justice*, universally regardless of the crime. This does include punishments like "conversion" """therapy""" counts as punishment, where you intimidate, shock, nauseate, and traumatize people to condition them into being afraid of being gay. That's not rehab.
Punishing them with jail or death doesn't help. At all. Like hitting a child with a belt doesn't really work. They don't magically turn into a perfect role model because of it. All punishment like that does is add more unnecessary agony in the world.
What would offending MAP rehabilitation look like? I'd imagine it's like an AA meeting and, for starters, to keep them away from kids until they respect minors' vulnerability and/or self-control (plus take away all CP). No torture, no pretending they understand to get out either.
I'll admit, a part of me badly wants revenge on her but the logical and compassionate parts of me help me move on. There's no objective, materialistic good from it, just sick satisfaction humans get from watching people suffer.
I think maybe if despite past trauma and obvious bias and resentment I see NOMAPS as just people and want to help MAPS (the, you know, child victims need a hell of a lot more help) you probably can too.
*(from #4) the only exception being the death penalty in the short term DotP, like against fascists and the bourgeoisie if they're too powerful and can't be rehabilitated or redistributed. We can't let reactionaries counter-revolt and destroy everything by any means necessary.
Eventually, in a communist society, I'm pro-abolishing the death penalty. I agree with a lot in this video, it explains basically what I think pretty well.
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