#GCAN2020 livestream definitely working and definitely live

@Tuhina_Neogi & Dr Frederic Liote moderating the Early Career Investigator Symposium https://twitter.com/G_CANgout/status/1324086881261363201
#GCAN2020 Gout mini symposium

Dr. Philip Riches, Gout SMART RCT:

Self testing of serum urate (with phone app communication to clinic) in participants with gout, in order to achieve target SU level

vs usual care arm: limited app & flare diary

Close call on recruitment!
intervention arm vs usual care: 73% vs 15% reached target SU <0.3 mmol/L (=5mg/dL) at 6 months. Wow!

Also positive feedback from participants

. @SeoyoungCKim with real world evidence of the risk of incident gout associated with SGLT2 inhibitors (vs GLP1 agonist as comparator)

IBM MarketScan data source
active comparator, new user cohort study

Publication here: https://doi.org/10.7326/m19-2610

1:1 PS matching -> Cox PH models

SGLT2 inhibitor vs GLP1 agonist comparator: lower incident gout risk, HR 0.64 (95% CI, 0.57 - 0.72)

Similar estimates when DPP4 inhibitor was used as an active comparator

Here is the nifty visual abstract for this study from @AnnalsofIM
Stephen Juraschek on gout mgmt in primary care:

Many barriers contribute to inertia around starting ULT in primary care

NHANES study looking at ULT use and SU levels in US adults: https://doi.org/10.1002/acr.22469

A recommendation -- 2 evidence-based approaches to start immediately:

1⃣DASH diet
2⃣optimization of HTN (but how? with what meds?)

John Fitzgerald on the new gout guidelines.

Recommendation against treating asymptomatic hyperuricemia.

Blast from the past: c. 2001 understanding of treating hyperuricemia, with evidence source being a 1941 JAMA article(!)

Something @AdamRodmanMD would like
The debate regarding ULT treat to target approach continues (😬).

Need to find these letters/commentaries referenced here.

An optimal ULT T2T strategy? Focus on patient adherence, via close follow-up and pt education. Ensure flare prophylaxis on board when titrating ULT.
. @ALGaffoRheumMD on the @G_CANgout white paper on gout mgmt in CKD.

Low level of evidence for colchicine and pretty much no data for NSAIDs, steroids, IL-1 inhibitors (including whether renal dosing is necessary - sound familiar @UWRheum fellows/grads?)

You can follow @rheum_cat.
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