Deleted old thread, precinct join off by one. Sorry for the confusion everyone! Let's try this again. A thread on dc at large vote share, excluding Robert White. First up, @chenderson. Who again had no weak precincts and ran up the score in a couple. How to win citywide. 1/?
Next @edlazere. Look at how dark those Ward 7 and 8 precincts are. You just can't overcome that.
Up next @OrangeVo40 who, like lazere, just couldn't win citywide with parts of the city where you're carrying <5% of the non-Robert White vote, especially in precincts with lots of votes
Goodwin didn't have the highs of Lazere or Orange, but there weren't that many lows either. As I said in deleted thread, there's a sizeable base for corporate centrism in DC
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