This is a lie and they know it. The only reasons I can think of to do it are to a) intentionally cause social strife for no good reason other than make Trump feel less sad, or b) create a pretext for the PA-leg to attempt a version of the scenario @bartongellman wrote about.
When the results prove Eric et al wrong, they ask the PA-leg to ignore the results based on fabricated allegations of fraud, name a slate of Trump electors, and then, when the gov vetoes it, beg ACB to install Trump over the will of PA and national voters.
Is this their plan? I have no idea. But are they above trying to steal the election? Absolutely not. So we need to lay a marker down now: What their actions point to is consistent with an effort to steal the election and destroy the country.
The answer is to insist that every vote be counted, and Republicans at all levels need to be called upon to disavow any effort to ignore the results in the state.
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