
Y'wanna know the real reason why the left can't be "civil" with you anymore?

Like, the one BIG, all-encompassing reason, when you boil everything ALL the way down to its essence?

It's because you people terrify the fuck out of us. https://twitter.com/mHow250/status/1323326449915482118
With your guns, and your bear mace, and your blind cultish devotion to the President, and your Trump-flag-waving traffic-blocking attacks on campaign buses...and shit like THIS...
And the fact that y'all kept on attending MAGA rallies after 30,000 people caught covid at 'em and 700 of them DIED from it...
Not to mention all the violent right-wing cops killing black people while looking the other way from murderers like Rittenhouse, and your Dear Leader sending Gestapo to kidnap protesters...
...the draconian immigration policies...the contempt towards the LGBTQ+ community...the weird insistence on saying shit like "China virus" seemingly BECAUSE it demonizes an "other" and that's the only way you seem able to communicate with the outside world...
...And oh yeah, y'all STILL out their voting for Trump in droves despite ALL the Goddamn horrible shit he's done to this country, up to and including getting hundreds of thousands of citizens killed with his neglect...

With all that rampant widespread disregard for human life and/or basic manners, why the fuck WOULDN'T we be terrified of you people?

When it looks like a bear is about to attack you, being "civil" with it won't save your life.
OH, and let's not forget, every time we even so much as TRY to express that fear, you MOCK us for it.

"Snowflake." "Triggered." "Libtard." Like your scare tactics are normal and WE'RE the crazy ones for being scared by them. Like a bunch of overgrown schoolyard bullies.
And yeah, I know there are some right-wingers, and even some Trump voters, who aren't like that...but what of them?

I mean... https://twitter.com/kept_simple/status/1323107106728398848
You REALLY want the left to be more civil with you?


Put down the guns, get out of your pickup truck and talk to us reasonably, like adults.
View us as equals, respect our concerns even if you don't agree with them, stop reverting back to your arrogant gainsaying gaslighting tactics, and start treating civility as a two-way street that you EARN, rather than something you deserve automatically regardless of behavior.
Do all those things, and I promise you, we WILL listen and communicate.

But you never have, and frankly we've run out of reasons to hold out hope that you ever will.

Prove us wrong, then we'll talk.
But who am I kidding? Right-wingers know they scare us. It's why they do it. It's a feature, not a bug. They revel in it. Makes them feel powerful.

And somehow they're surprised that we don't respect them for scaring us.
I mean...maybe generations of abusive parenting and American imperialist exceptionalism (which, let's be real, is just abusive parenting with extra steps) has made the right-wing internalize the idea that fear and respect are the same thing.

They are not.
Fear is not respect.

Fear leads to anger, hate and suffering.

Only actual, no-bullshit RESPECT can ever, has ever and will ever lead to more respect. It doesn't always, but it's literally the only thing that CAN.

Until you grasp that, fuck your "civility" in an open wound.
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