The media is finding it very convenient to say that the conservative Cuban vote was driven by a fear of "socialism". I, a Cuban, think this is entirely overblown.
First, I think we're underestimating how much Cuban culture revolves around machismo and toxic masculinity. They like Trump because he embodies those things.
Cubans in America also largely self-identify as white and enjoy greater upward mobility than most other Hispanic groups. This is a vote in what they believe to be self-interest.
Catholicism is incredibly pervasive for Cubans and this correlates to single-issue voting on abortion. I'm not even touching Santería here.
There are similar aspects across many Hispanic groups, but obviously as we're seeing this election, it is not a monolith. There is some truth to Cubans being scared of "socialism" but largely it feels like a convenient bogeyman that the establishment already likes to rail against
And to my point about Hispanic groups not being a monolith, Cubans aren't a monolith either. I'm a queer, white, socialist leaning Cubano and I could be completely wrong about all of this. It is 100% what I've seen from my experiences in Florida and Miami though
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