We received the highest percentage that ANY Democrat has ever gotten in Clay County. Beating out Biden, Obama, Clinton. We rewrote the playbook and ran the most effective campaign in history bridging the gap between Conservatives and Progressives with 1/10th of the money.
One big reason for this is we had to purchase data specifically for Republicans in Clay County because 80% of the data from NGP van was useless. Having better data accounted for almost a 7% swing. Democrats in Florida lost this year because they went to war unequipped.
This is 100% the fault of @TerrieRizzo @JuanPenalosa and @RosyGSpeers who were informed but refused to act. Instead creating a Poll Tax for down-ballot candidates. They then withheld data with a week to go in the election. Political Homicide!
Let me reiterate this. Using Republican data we were able to engineer the largest breakthrough EVER in the Republican stronghold of Clay County. It was why we outperformed almost every Dem candidate $ for $. It is why Dems got their asses handed to them in Fl.
The advantage Rs have in data analytics is insurmountable through organizing and effort. Until this is taken seriously we will continue to lose up and down the ballot FOREVER despite having more money and organizing power.
Instead of fixing this the Dem Party chose to charge house and state candidates upwards of $3,500. @nikkifried effectively got scammed by the party into buying bad data, and then the party refused to give it to candidates after it was paid for. @RosyGSpeers was the main culprit.
The FDP got “money-balled” and then forced their own candidates to pay for it, while blaming them. Effectively they asked the best horse and buggy drivers to try to compete against race cars. No matter how good your organizing power you can’t compete in that contest.
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