I'm seeing an encouraging willingness to speak up against Wokeness that wasn't present before, or at least not as bold, but like when the pandemic started, I'm going to tell you right now: Woke is going to get much worse from here, no matter what happens next.
It's entirely possible that if Biden takes office that Woke screeching from the media set will die down somewhat, as that often follows having more institutional power, but I don't even think so. I think it will be a full-time national conversation about race (then trans).
This, as usual, puts me at odds with virtually everyone in my alleged intellectual cohort. Like I said before, the key difference between myself and you/them is that you/they think I've gone crazy, and I hope I have.
Wokeness only needs a relatively small minority of committed activists combined with entry points into administrative apparatuses to do its work. It's most effective not at the top of institutions about about three steps down from the top, where people don't look closely.
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