Wise words from a Republican veteran thinking about national conservatism tonight:

"Even if Biden wins fair and square, it will be a squeaker, and he will be hemmed in by a GOP Senate.

"That is very different from virtually all of the mainstream predictions of a day ago, a week ago, a month ago. Today it is the left that is dazed and confused. Trump’s much stronger showing than most expected means that the 2016 election was not a fluke.

"Hillary was awful, and then Biden weak. But the overriding fact is that nationalism is much stronger in the American electorate than almost anyone in the two parties realized until Trump came along. It is now a demonstrably durable, major part of U.S. politics.

"It is easy to see through to a Trump victory right now — I’d call it a toss-up. But even if this does not come to pass, and the U.S. in in for a bad patch, we NatCons are going to have a lot to work with."

/4 (end)
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