Republicans retaining their senate seats despite being out fundraised prove that it's not just about who raises the most money. It's also about who has the power to suppress potential votes against them.

People will act like it's a messaging thing but I saw those debates.
Jaime Harrison didn't have a "messaging" issue. He was the better candidate. Progressives online will take the wrong lesson from this because of confirmation bias. They believe every democrat that loses does so because they aren't progressive enough. But that doesn't make sense.
To win SC you're going to have to win over some very racist white people OR defeat voter suppression. It's a catch 22 because you need to do the first in order to do the second.

And by doing the second you make it where you can run extremely progressive candidates that win.
I live on the border of SC and saw all the campaign ads. Graham had no messaging, no plans, no political policies other than "Don't vote for this liberal Black guy."

It makes sense most of ya'll wouldn't know this but the attack ads had AOC, Pelosi, HRC and Schumer in them.
The messaging was simple, "Jaime Harrison is a scary liberal who isn't one of US conservative white people."

That's it.

That's not a "democratic messaging" problem. That's a "SC has a large racist voter base AND they suppress Black votes" problem.
People paint with very broad brushes on Twitter while knowing NOTHING of the community or the specific races. The answer to every hitch in the plan is always "Do something Democrats! Step down Pelosi!" as if every state is just a liberal stronghold.

Had to get that off my chest
"It's all the democrats fault!" is just not nearly as smart as you've been lead to believe it is. In many cases it falls right into the hands of White supremacy.
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