Thread: Expanding The Present

(Time Travel Through Perception)
🔑 Questions we’ll be exploring in this thread... ❓

- What is the nature of Time?

- What is the nature of Perception?

- How can you use perception to expand time and extend your life?

Let’s begin...
1st, what is the nature of time? 🕰

Time is a continuous progression of existence + events that occur in succession from the past, through the present, and into the future.

To put it simply...

Time is how you “measure” movement, awareness, and existence through/within space.
So is time real? 🤔

This has been debated for as long as man has existed.

Of course, there is no one clear/definitive answer.

All that’s known for sure is that your perception of reality progresses in a forward motion, and that you can’t seem to reverse this progression. ⏩
Another common phenomenon is the experience of time moving faster as you get older.

Remember when you were a kid and 30 minutes seemed like it went on for hours?

And now, 30 minutes seems like no time at all...

Why is that?

It’s because of an ever-shifting perception.
💭 Think about it like this:

A year seems a lot longer to a 5 year old because 1 year = 1/5 of their entire life.

But to a 30 year old, that same year seems a lot shorter because 1 year = 1/30 of their entire life.

Time compounds as you get older, making it appear shorter.
So what?

Will each year just pass faster and faster until suddenly you find yourself laying down to die?

Scary thought, isn’t it? 💀

Luckily, I think there’s a solution.

I believe you can slow time down at will.

But before I discuss that, you have to understand perception.
This leading into our 2nd question...

What is perception? 👁

Specifically, how does your perception work in relation to time?

And how can you take control of it in order to expand your experience of the present, effectively extending your life?
First, you should understand novelty.

Novelty is simply experiencing something new.

❇️ Things you’ve never done

❇️ People you’ve never met

❇️ Experiences you’ve never had

As kids, the world is bursting with novelty.

This is another reason time used to seem so much slower.
So why does novelty do this?

What makes newness expand time?

It has to do with how the brain processes information.

And how that processing affects your perception, which is ultimately what influences the way you experience time.
You naturally become more present/aware when things are new to you.

You pay closer attention and notice many more details than you usually would.

In other words, you process more info.

Internalizing more detail within a given moment in space = a perceived expansion of time.
And the reason time seems to speed up?

Routine and familiarity.

Day to day events & experiences become predictable.

Your brain starts processing on autopilot and filtering out details.

Internalizing less detail within a given moment in space = a perceived contraction of time.
This isn’t to say you should give up routine & fully embrace a life of novelty.

Routine is needed for a well-lived life.

But it is to say...

☝️ Mindfulness expands time perception

✌️ Novelty expands time perception

Expanded time perception = The experience of a longer life.
Leading into our 3rd and final question...

How can you use perception to expand time and extend your life?

What are some things you can actively and consciously do in order to expand your experience of time and “slow things down” so to speak?
1. Be mindful.

Be attentive to your sensory input, and make a point to recognize and appreciate the small differences in your day to day.

In other words...

Stop and smell the flowers.

One great way to do this is with daily intentions.

Here are the ones I use everyday:
2. Inject novelty.

Break up your routine, make a point to regularly give yourself fresh and memorable experiences.

Simply getting lost, checking out a part of where you live you’ve never seen before, can make all the difference.

Practice seeking out the experience of wonder.
3. Travel.

The ultimate way to expand time, in my opinion.

Nothing expands perception like being in a completely unfamiliar environment and culture.

Everything becomes fresh, exciting, and unfamiliar again.

No better way to access that child-like perception of time.
Everyone can expand their life by expanding their perception.

You can do it daily.

💫 Wonder
💫 Beauty
💫 Novelty

Are all around you.

You just have to be willing to slow down and notice it.

Time will pass no matter what, so you might as well enjoy as much of it as you can.
Want to learn more about...

👁 Expanding your perception
🕰 Elongating the flow of time
🧘 Living a more wondrous life

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