A đŸ§”of the negative effects of pornography:
I apologise if this thread get bit explicit but its sad to see that so many of our youth is consumed and are being mentally impacted without even knowing it
I just wanna start by saying that we all sin. Being able to recognise is a blessing in itself. The most important thing now is asking for forgiveness and promising that you will stop from committing it again
However pornography is an addiction and sometimes a person may find it difficult to just stop. If anyone is finding it difficulty to stop and wants to talk someone I will include a name a few of my trustworthy mutual who will be able to help at the end of this thread.
Porn is easily accessible. Of 400 million online searches, 1 in 8 is for pornography. Due to the inclination of human kind to temptations for sexual desires, pornography has been one of the effective tools used in keeping youths out of morality and productivity
1. One who gets addicted to pornography finds no happiness without watching it. Nothing interests him. Nothing excites him. Only porn excites him. When nothing excites you but porn that means even áčŁalāh and dhikr do not excite you, and hence, they don't bring you comfort.
2. Pornography Leads You to Masturbation It puts you to moodiness, anxiety and physical weakness. Sex in a lawful marriage attains you intimacy, love, happiness and excitement. Masturbation isn't able to grant you love and intimacy due to the absence of a spouse in the process.
3. When you're trapped in the cage of pornography, you only find your ‘happiness' by watching it. This happiness is by all means fake. Since you can't watch it in public, you have to isolate yourself, so to entertain that false excitement (lust).
4. Unrealistic expectations in marriage. Porn contains more delusion than reality. Because of this you will expect things from your spouse which they won't be able to do therefore not fulfilling your desires in the bedroom. This will lead to arguments and strain in the marriage
5. Most sexual violence's cases are because of an addiction to porn. In the case the person will think its ok to use aggression to be satisfied. This does not ruin you but had lifetime trauma on the victim.
Note: If you’re not yet married, do not delude yourself by saying, “Watching it teaches me how
 for when I get married.” This is not true. Watching sexual scenes doesn't teach, but rather afflicts you. Please take heed.
If today you have made a firm intention that you are going to stop I pray that Allah helps you in this journey. I pray he forgives all your sins. I pray that you are given the highest status in Jannah
For my muslim brothers who are struggling with the addiction and want some advice, these are some trustworthy mutuals who will be able to help: @Aff24an @_Idris7 @iahedgnuy
For my muslim sisters who are struggling with the addiction and want some advice you can dm me also these are some trustworthy mutuals who will be able to help: @fadamx_ @ReadUrDuazz @onhoneyclouds
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