Latinas/os are not monolithic. Yet, one nuance my research shows is we are frustrated in only being considered when our support in politics is needed or to address immigration.

As the largest ‘minority’ the Black/White binary blocks us until one side needs us for their gain.
Here's more nuance to this stated nuance:

When Latina/o struggles are shared, they're quickly refuted by slavery, Jim Crow, etc.

The Latina/o (specifically Mexican) narrative during Jim Crow is reduced or forgotten.
The term "Hispanic" was created to add to "White" stats for population.

If Latinas/os are killed by police, there's never a good time to bring it to light due to BLM.

There's more...
There's intra-ethnic struggle: if Latinas/os support BLM, they're ridiculed by other Latinas/os because "they haven't done anything to support our community, why should we support theirs?"

Something I learned - Mendez vs Westminster (here in Cali) was won in court to allow integration for Mexican children to attend "White schools". it was used in Brown vs B.
This is not common knowledge, as "Brown vs Board of Education" is framed as "Black/White" binary integration
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