So white women

Let's...let's talk for a minute ok? Because once again we* have seriously screwed up and, once again, we* are lashing out instead of reckoning with the results of our own actions
*look I'm not a woman and it makes me upset that I have to call myself a fvcking woman but socially I am read as a woman and treated as a woman and I do not want to act like I'm not part of the problem/separate myself from other white ppl so I'm saying "we"
White women we have profited immensely off perceived victimhood; white men have profited immensely off our perceived victimhood. We have been the symbol and motivation behind acts of racial violence (ESPECIALLY AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE). We have been instrumental in justifying
white supremacy since whiteness became a thing.

And yes I KNOW the numbers aren't concrete yet and I KNOW we don't have exact percentages but look, ENOUGH OF US voted for Donald Trump and by enough I mean enough to keep this race close
After FOUR YEARS of a gross misogynistic serial harasser in the White House; after FOUR YEARS of policy designed to destroy the personhood of ALL women; after FOUR YEARS of seeing white women put the lives of Black people in danger by calling the cops over like, nothing at all--
I have seen too many of us STILL ARGUING on this cursed website that we are somehow less guilty, less culpable, less in need of a reckoning than white men
And white cis women?

Oh my GOD you ESPECIALLY need to sit back and THINK for a minute before you start going off in the mentions of trans ppl right now.

Because look....people who follow me aren't generally gonna be Trump voters. I know that.
But you don't have to be a Trump voter to do harm to marginalized people.

So white women, listen:

-do not make excuses
-do not center yourself
-do not derail
-do not ignore historic realities
-do not pretend you are blameless
Do NOT pretend being called out, being reminded of the role white women have played in maintaining white supremacy, is somehow the same as being the victim of white supremacy. DO NOT deflect by parachuting into a discussion about white women's votes saying BUT NOT ME I AM GOOD
White cis women--do not speak over trans women
White queer women--do not forget that queerness somehow negates whiteness; it does not.
White marginalized women in general--do not forget being marginalized in one or more ways doesn't negate whiteness
*I'm sorry, the tweet above should've read "do not believe that queerness somehow negates whiteness"
And most importantly: calling out the behavior of white women is not misogyny. It's not an attempt to silence women. It's not anti-feminist

White women, we are white. Whatever else we are, we are white.

And whiteness elected Trump in 2016.
And whatever happens with this election--whiteness will have made it so much closer than it had any right to be
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