Last night was an utter catastrophe for stopping GOP gerrymandering next year. GOP is poised to draw 4-5 times as many congressional districts as Dems, likely closer to the latter number. That's similar to the GOP's 5:1 advantage after 2010. AZ, MI, PA legislatures still uncalled
With GOP's radical 6-3 Supreme Court majority, the court could strike down ballot initiatives, state supreme court rulings, & possibly even governor vetoes that block GOP gerrymanders at its most extreme.

This would cement GOP minority rule across the country. 2022 may be awful
GOP in lawsuits ongoing in many states over voting rules argue that only the literal state legislature may set federal election laws, blocking ballot initiatives & state supreme courts. Independent commissions in AZ, CA, & MI may be struck down & worse
If by some miracle Dems eke out a U.S. Senate majority (& Biden wins), the fate of democracy depends on Congress banning congressional gerrymandering.

If the GOP holds onto the Senate (despite representing fewer people than Dems), GOP may entrench minority rule after 2022
2020s redistricting could be even worse than after 2010 depending on SCOTUS. If its 6-3 majority remains, GOP in Texas & more could gerrymander based on the much whiter adult citizen population instead of more diverse total population as has long been norm, turbocharging GOP maps
I've worked on coming up with nonpartisan maps to estimate congressional gerrymandering's impact, & this research is sadly very relevant today.

While Dems held the House, they'd have likely won many more seats without GOP gerrymandering. Looking forward to updating this for 2020
THIS. What little remains of American democracy is hanging on by a thread.

If Dems don't win the Senate by flipping both GA seats, Biden will likely be a failed president who can't appoint any judges, leading to GOP 2022 midterm backlash that entrenches GOP minority rule
The Senate is U.S. democracy's ticking time bomb, & it's poised to go off once GA is called.

GOP hasn't won more votes or represented more people than Dems for all 100 seats since 1998!

GOP minority rule has supplanted democracy
I hate to be dismal, but we must realize that democracy just suffered a catastrophe. GOP minority rule legislatures are further entrenching minority rule with the support of SCOTUS.

We may eventually have no option left but Chile-style mass protests. I hope it won't come to that
See here for what 2020 elections matter for redistricting in every state:

AZ, MI, PA have independent commissions or Dem govs, so legislative control doesn't directly matter, but SCOTUS could overturn any restrictions on legislatures' control over maps
We're tracking results of elections that decide control over redistricting in key states here. GOP has gained control over NH, gutted MO's legislative redistricting reform, & VA passed reform to block Dem gerrymanders. Dems have yet to flip a lege chamber
To be clear, I fully favor mass protests if McConnell & Senate GOP go ahead with blockading all of Biden's judges & any left-of-center legislation.

We can't let our institutions keep bludgeoning us into accepting GOP minority rule, but I hate that protest may be all we have left
THIS. If you want something to be cheerful about today, Senate is not yet decided & Trump may lose.

Georgia will have at least 1 runoff if not 2, & Dems around the country can organize for a Jan. 5 runoff that could decide fate of Senate. Warnock & Ossoff
Michigan has gone basically a full decade under GOP minority rule after 2010's GOP wave. Thanks to the GOP dominating Dems across the country, this is a story that will happen again & again in many states in the coming decade.

GOP minority rule has often become self-entrenching
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