
Loss of 6k votes for Trump due to an error during counting.


Biden got 100k votes due to an error during counting.


Actual Counting was 86%, but media was showing 95% due to an error during counting.

Biden got mysterious 112k Votes between 3:30 - 4:30 am


Biden got 138k Votes and Trump/Others got 0 during an update.


Stopped counting without any reason.
Unusual Pattern of Sudden Vertical rise in favour of Biden in Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan

One of the vote-counting machine in Wisconsin ran out of ink. So, Counting was delayed.

Trump’s huge 200k lead mysteriously disappeared in just 76 minutes.

Polling employees were distributing sharpies in GOP areas so that their votes are not counted.

The machines don’t read sharpie, only ballpoint pens.
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