" #Iran is a country with a long #history and an #ancient #civilization. The industrious and talented #Iranian people created the splendid #Persian culture, which remains a rich legacy for mankind and adds lustre to the treasure of world civilization..." 2/
"Under the leadership of His Imperial Majesty #Pahlavi, the #Shahanshah of Iran, the government and people of #Iran have achieved success in safeguarding state sovereignty, protecting national resources, developing national culture, and building their country..." 3/
"Friendly contacts and traditional friendship between the #Chinese and #Iranian people date back to ancient times. The world-famous ' #SilkRoad' opened more than 2000 years ago...However, owing to sabotage and obstruction by #imperialism, the friendly ties...were interrupted." 4/
"Today we are glad to see that the traditional friendship between the #Chinese and #Iranian peoples have resumed on the basis of principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference, equality, mutual benefit..." 5/
"...and peaceful co-existence."

Note how Zhou's language is strikingly similar to the rhetoric of #Sino- #Iranian relations today. The image of a leader of #Communist #China praising the #Pahlavi monarchy was as puzzling in 1971 as it is today... 6/
However, when placed in the context of #China's foreign policy in the 1970s, it begins to make more sense. At this point, China was convinced the #Soviet Union was an imminent political and military threat. Zhou had pursued good relations with #Iran since the early 1950s... 7/
...to tempt them away from the #American sphere of influence. As #MohammadRezaPahlavi pursued his "independent foreign policy" in the 1960s, he began reaching out to the #Soviet Union and #China. At that point, China was happy to engage with #Iran, just as it had with... 8/
...the #UnitedStates under #Nixon. All as a counter to the perceived threat of the #SovietUnion.

...And that's all for today folks! Stay sane out there! /fin
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