1) All right, since some of you inexplicably like when I write about politics, I present to you a variation of the classic praise sandwich: First, assuming Biden wins, he WON. Trump lost the popular vote and he governed like he sprung from the head of Zeus.
3) DeVos out at Education, venal throne sniffers like Navarro gone, Atlas out, Barr thank Jesus out at the DOJ, scientists *in* -- no more sharpies on hurricane maps. That is incalculably important. Worth almost any trade off.
4) A functioning DOJ, functioning FEC, an IRS who targets the people they should be targetting, all giant improvements over the incompetents and saboteurs in place now. Not a minor thing.
5) Second - the Democratic leadership needs to get the fuck out of the way. The 2018 wave happened because we wanted fighters, and it was basically a "pause" button until the election. There should have been hearings stacked to the rafters.
6) They dallied going after Trump's tax returns, they let his officials ignore subpoenas, Feinstein hugging Graham for chrissake -- what the fuck did we vote and donate money and time for? They can't do retail politics for shit.
7) "We passed the COVID relief, but McConnell --" then where was my DAILY PRESS CONFERENCE with a rotating series of young up and comers SCREAMING about how they wanted to help Americans but the GOP Senate was stopping them? Where was my goddam *information war*.
8) This however leads us to Third: young local progressives absolutely know how to win ground games. The youth vote showed up this election, so no more bitching about that, They were the *margin* in some states. And they're who flipped AZ and may flip GZ.
9) The Democrats have always had a top-down problem, it's why we lost a 1000 elections under Obama. The Dems job from now on is to go to the locals, ask : "What do you need, Ms. Abrams?" and then shut the fuck up.
10) TX didn't flip, boo hoo, but it got closer than it should have because of *local* organizing, and it will get there. AZ flipped, GA is now a battleground state. And enough with the national elections ...
11) I don't want to get another Senate fundraising email, I want to get fundraisers about state level offices, because the tough thing is this party needs to rebuild from the ground up, but the good thing our ground game isn't made up of sex pests and QAnon psychos.
12) You know who used my dollar wisely? @runforsomething . You know who didn't? The establishment Dems. We have brilliant, passionate, smart young progressives out there fighting. And *winning*. That's a good thing.
13) Thus endeth the sandwich. Take what comfort from it you will, while still digesting the warning in the middle. Now go take a nap. XX
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