Some of you are relatively new to political engagement. You were probably thrust into it by our current state of cultural tyranny. You may have lost friends over it.

And though we don't know how this is going to end, right now you're hurting.

Let's talk. >
People like me - who have been infected with enthusiasm and passion for politics all our lives - have been telling you that everything about this election matters. It's the fight of our lives.

What if we lost? What?! 😳

Fair question. >
Old politicos like me will all answer the same way:

We WILL live. We WILL be back. They WILL not defeat us.

Yes, it hurts. It's so wrong. They're so bad in so many ways.

Trump gave us everything he had. Biden has only ever taken.

This is true. But: >
This is the test of what we stand for.

You didn't stake out these positions to be on the winning side. You did because you want what's right, and good, and just.

You want to be an actual *winner.*

In this life that means knowing how to lose. And get back up. >
What is winning - in life?

*Who would you rather be this morning - Donald Trump or Joe Biden?*

Who would you rather be - yourself or any of those celebrity zombies?

What would you rather live - life, or wokeness?

Choose life. <>
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