what's going on right now in america? what's happening to our vote count? buckle up shitburgers, it's time for a THREAD:
alright fucknuggets. here's what's hapdippity-happening with ye olde ballottes. they go into a big box, dig? but if you want to understand a box you have to first understand the origins of the rectangular cuboid. and for that we're gonna need the OG of geometry, leonhard euler 1/
so euler (which is pronounced more like "oiler," which: Whuzzhuh?????) was born in basel switzerland. you might know if from the art festival "art basel." basel was actually first settled in the fifth cenutry BCE, which is actually pretty late for a lot of europe 2/
so you can describe a cuboid with euler's equations. but basel, euler's birthplace, was originally a roman settlement founded by Lucius Munatius Plancus. and this guy plancus?
he was a BAD. ASS. my man has an identifiable and intact tomb. you know how many of those there are? 3/
ok so lucius (LMP), our kickass roman, was buried in a CYLINDRICAL tomb, which still stands today. "but matt wasn't this thread about votes in pennsylvania?" yeah take all the seats fuckwumpus we're just getting started!!! anyway euler grows up right next to a famous cylinder 4/
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