Thread on the billboards and PR materials seen in the new Iranian missile base footage which give you a good insight into both IRGC ideology and narratives.

"Both Missiles and Diplomacy" billboard featuring Khamenei.
"If they fire one, they will be hit by ten!" Khamenei's famous quote which has become a bit of a slogan of the IRGC's missile force.
Cardboard cutouts of Tehrani Moghaddam, Qasem Soleimani and Ahmad Kazemi at a Martyrs' shrine inside the facility.
Reminder that more revenge for Soleimani is yet to come with English translation to make sure the point isn't missed.
Also referring to the Soleimani killing: "The Line of Jihad and Resistance will continue with twice as much motivation!"
Reaffirming that missile negotiations are a red line:
"No honorable or conscious Iranian will trade away his points of strength!"
Celebrating the Martyrs of the Axis of Resistance "Oh Nation of Imam Hossein."
To the left:
Houthi Poitical President Saleh al-Sammad (Yemen)
KH leader Abu Mahdi al Muhandis (Iraq)
Hezbollah military leader Imad Mughniyeh (Lebanon)
Qasem Soleimani (Iran)
To the right, internal Martyrs:
Tehrani Moghaddam (IRGC missile force)
Sayyad Shirazi (Artesh)
Mostafa Ahmadiroushan (nuclear program)
Mohsen Hojaji (beheaded by ISIS while serving in Syria)

(If anyone can identify the other two, I would appreciate it!)
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